Thursday 28 April 2011

Old Vs New

As much as I love Johnny Depp, no one could have played Wonka better than Gene's interesting how different the latest version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is compared to the original...this comparison could be included in the zine.




Another set of genius ideas from Bomas and Parr...



A strange thing to note-but Sam Bompas one of the creators, seems to be alot younger than expected?


Quentin Blake

Roald Dahl's brilliant and witty tales have come hand in hand with the wondrous illustrations of Quentin Blake. Personally, these nostalgic visuals bring back memories of reading Dahl's books and poetry as a child and wouldn't have been the same without them.
Blakes illustrations are instantly recognisable and depict the weird and wonderful imagination of Dahl, bringing his characters to life. 
  Charlie Bucket and Willy Wonka

 Georges Marvellous Medicine

James and the Giant Peach

Revolting Recipes


'Drink me'

 Again, Henstons 'Drink me' concept is a great attention grabber so an element like this could be added to the Zine..Possibly a little tag coming off saying 'Read Me'...?


Heston Blumenthal's FEAST

Heston Blumenthal has often been called the Willy Wonka of the culinary world for his magical creations.
So perhaps it was only a matter of time before he took his wacky edible delights one step further.
In his TV show, Blumenthal takes inspiration directly from Roald Dahl's classic book Charlie And The Chocolate Factory by creating a feast of flavoured wallpaper, magic mushroom starter, duck à l’orange, and a chocolate fountain.

The entire program can be seen here: 

Whether this is written about or we can think up our own creations, a fun element of food is definitely a talking point.


Your still sweet

This year Dahl's Charlie and the chocolate Factory turns 40, giving us yet another reason to honor the candyman, Roald Dahl's mythical chocolate hero has captured many of our hearts. With the aniversary this year I think that it very relevant to our zine. Tim Burton remade the 1971 movie in 2005 starring Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka. I was thinking a review of both films could be included within the zine or maybe we can ask people which they prefer allowing people have there say within the zine. This could also be a good way to advertise the zine fair.



Whilst researching into sweet shops in the Nottingham area i came across this website It is a fforum an the discussion is on Nottingham sweet shops and people posting their experiences, one saying her family owned the sweet shop Kirk White Street in the late 1890's. I was wondering if we could maybe contact these people and include something about nostalgia within our zine?


Wednesday 27 April 2011

Zeene #3 - Cake

This zine is all about cake... Online, the makers described: "We are sure you won't be disappointed, nobody is disappointed by cake, in any form. Features the old favourites such as a crossword, an interview, album review and a whole bunch more!"
`i thought this could be really relevant for our sweet food zine as inspiration... I think the fact they involve interactive aspects such as a crossword is a fun and interesting approach - I think we should should include aspects such as this in our zine as well.


Tuesday 26 April 2011

Bompas and Parr-Chocolate Waterfall

Choc out this scrumptious waterfall

Bompas & Parr create the world’s first walk-in chocolate waterfall

This Easter, food architects Bompas & Parr are creating a giant, walk-in chocolate waterfall to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Willy Wonka.

Bompas & Parr are building the world’s first walk-through chocolate waterfall in Whiteleys Shopping Centre, Bayswater to honour the 40th anniversary of the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory film.

Upon arrival budding Augustus Gloop’s will be greeted at the check-in desk in Whiteleys magnificent atrium and issued with their chocolate waterfall survival kit. The kit contains a protective suit and a loaned umbrella which will help them on their quest through the luxurious chocolate installation.

Chocoholics will walk through the flowing, velvet chocolate before stepping into a special processing unit where they will have the opportunity to create their own treats to take away.

Master sweet-maker Willy Wonka is renowned for making weird and wonderful treats ranging from everlasting gobstoppers to a giant chocolate river. Bompas & Parr’s chocolate waterfall promises to be an awe-inspiring experience as first class as Mr Wonka’s inventions.

Tickets for the chocolate waterfall will be available from from 6 April 2011 and are priced at £5.00. The Chocolate Waterfall is open from 12-6pm; tickets will give visitors a time slot and a specific date to visit the installation.


On 25th April, whilst on a day trip to London, a visit had to be taken to Whiteleys shopping centre to visit Bompas and Parr's latest 'experience'. 
To celebrate the original film of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory's 40th Birthday, a real life chocolate waterfall has been created as the ultimate recreation of a fictional concept brought to life.
Flowing at a rate of 12,000 litres an hour, the waterfall serves to keep the chocolate fully mixed and pulls together Bompas & Parr’s favourite beans from around the world. The temporary installation also included the world’s first cloud of breathable pear drops (although I can't say it was very 'breathable' it was just an extremely tasteless and scentless mist) after viewing the waterfall, you could then fill up your own bottle with chocolate from the waterfall and take away your own chocolate elixir – a concentrated chocolate cordial. You could then infuse your chocolate elixir with different elements such as Frankincense or Cinnamon and then secure with a gold bottle cap.
Definitely a fun concept with a keepsake to take away but for an experience of 5 minutes for £5 I'm not sure was entirely worth it. 

Photos taken of the chocolate waterfall. Although it doesn't look too appetising, the smell was incredible

 After walking through the waterfall on a rope bridge, you then walk down to collect your Chocolate Elixir bottles to which you can fill with the chocolate from the waterfall from a tap on the outside.

 Different elements which you could add to your elixir to infuse the chocolate, includes Juniper, Cinemon and Frakensence.


Bon Appétit Magazine

Bon Appétit is a a Conde Nast monthly magazine publication all about food and drink - with recipes, reviews and interviews... Although its very glossy and high-end, it may be good inspiration for what we want to include in our zine on a lower/smaller scale? E.g. interviews (such as Morgaine), recipes and about the food in cities abroad (such as world sweet foods we were looking into/places we've visited?)
Plus a good title for a food magazine!

Previous Dessert Front Covers (February Valentines and Christmas Issues)


Friday 22 April 2011

David Meldrum - The Food Illustrator

David Meldrum is creating a year long project as "the food illustrator", documenting what he eats every day starting from 15th June 2010. It will create a personal visual diary of his diet, through images created by raw ingredients, associated packaging, typography, products and produce. His art work is really fresh, colourful and interesting... Possibly something we could involve illustrators and artists to do on a shorter time frame as part of our zine?


Tuesday 19 April 2011

Carl Warner

Carl Warner is a London-based photographer who makes amazing foodscapes: landscapes made of food.

This would be a really good opportunity to include an article about his work conveying the idea of how creative one can be with food. 

Check out his works at


Jason Mecier

Artist Jason Mecier creates portraits of celebrities using discarded objects and junk such as broken sunglasses, make-up, gum wrappers, jewelry, deodorant, shoes, food and other items, his work has gained recognition from Boy George he wrote on his website 'how fabulous!'

We could use this idea within our project to create our own work or alternatively create a review on the artist 


Over A Billion People Have Been Killed By Marmots

This is a zine filled with random animal facts and photos from the 1950s and 1960s...
It seems really amusing and light-hearted in its tone of voice, like the sort of style we might want to do in terms of entertaining and amusing illustrations and words?

It has 18 pages of different animals and silly/random/odd facts about them...


Smoking Is Cool Zine 
(Another nice black/white layout and the zine comes with free badges)


OWT ZINE - Issue 5: Atmosphere

This zine has really nice black and white layout, textured paper and envelope packaging... As well as interesting interactive pages (like the layering/flaps that you can lift up to reveal things underneath - shown in the third picture below) -
